One month. One thousand dollars. One incredible website.
I highly recommend this one.
Unlimited pages, galleries, and blogs
Unlimited storage, bandwidth, and contributors
Mobile-optimized website
Powerful website metrics
SSL security included
24/7 squarespace customer support
Fully integrated e-commerce
Sell unlimited products and accept donations
2% transaction fee
Professional email from Google
$100 Google Adwords credit
Set rates: $26/month (or $216/year)
20 pages, galleries, and blogs
Unlimited storage, bandwidth, and 2 contributors
Mobile-optimized website
Powerful website metrics
SSL security included
24/7 squarespace customer support
Fully integrated e-commerce
Sell unlimited products and accept donations
3% transaction fee
Set rates: $12/month
Shoot me an email to get the dialogue started. I typically work with websites that already exist, totally renovate it using squarespace as our content management system, and work with you through three drafts until we deliver a new custom website within a month. I'm simple. Promise.
Photos totally make a website. But don't have any? I got you covered. Scroll down for the photography package.
It was a pleasure working with Carolyn in setting up our new website. She was polite and courteous and supplied us with clear directions on how to update information on our Newman Center site.
Fr. Richard, Website Renovation Client
Good design is only half of it.
Don't have any recent or good quality photos? No worries! We offer an additional photography package for those within an appropriate distance which includes approximately 2 hours of photos shot on site after a phone consultation. We like to shy away from stock photos as much as possible, but that can be hard to do if you lack high quality.
In 2 hours we can tackle:
Professional head shots
Photos of your facilities and brick + mortar
Photos of your products or services
And up to five hours of edited photos to bring out the best quality